Company DNA by BRD

We are excited to announce Company DNA by BRD which provides a company overview with each of your Alumni who work for that company – real-time and current within our RisingStars solution.  For example, per the charts below, Texas A&M (a Client of BRD) can create a filter of all former students who currently work for Lockheed-Martin. Rising Stars will instantly provide a summary of key characteristics of the overall number of employees, sales volume, public/private status, number of alumni working there, breakdown of your alumni by state, plus much more.

The results can be exported or, if you’re a Salesforce CRM user, you can API directly into the Salesforce Lead Object using our App on the Salesforce Appexchange. We also just announced our Mobile App available on IOS and Google App Stores.

To learn more or see if you qualify for a two-week trial, please complete our contact form on or send an email to Bob Sands, [email protected].

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